Jamie Clark – Psychic Medium – Your Psychic Senses

I always find it fascinating to talk to someone who is deeply in tune with his or her perception skills. Someone who gets answers all day long, not just for himself, but others.

Jamie Clark makes his living doing readings and communicating with Spirit. So he has some MAJOR first hand experience with what it’s like to tune in to other dimensions, to see things, know things, feel things, and ask and receive intuitive Guidance.  He’s also accustomed  to being interrupted by Spirits, some that are not always welcome, and some that will go to great lengths to get his attention.

This happened during our interview.  As we were talking, 3 different times, we were interrupted with bleeps, crackles, pops, dead phone lines, and total silence,  right in the middle of a sentence. I asked Jamie: What is the point of the interruption by Spirit, if you don’t understand the message? He shared some interesting insight on that. I shared some electrical stories of my own and my direct interaction with spirits  one evening, after they interrupted me in my sleep.

I found it interesting to hear Jamie talk about his “guys”-  his personal experts who are always on hand to help . These are his personal Guides -beings he knows and trusts. He gave us some tips on how to get in touch with our own “helpers” and how to receive  significant and meaningful validation from them. He also discussed creating our own spiritual room as a sacred space.

But the most fascinating part of the interview for me, was his explanation of THE MEANING OF LIFE that was revealed to him during his own PROFOUND near death experience. It really put some things into perspective for me.  Is life just about having desires, asking for what we want, and getting the answers? Listen to this one to find out


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9 Responses to Jamie Clark – Psychic Medium – Your Psychic Senses

  1. joanna says:

    A note of gratitude for the gifts of wisdom shared by Jamie Clark. Especially of value Jamie’s self-care, prayers and the setting of intention as important pieces to the work in healing service. I also appreciate the details of Jamie’s Spiritual Room, inspiring me to create my own. Thank You!

  2. linda says:

    It did for me too! He made it sound so easy, especially when he asked his main guide for validation and POOF it happened within 20 minutes. I like the idea of giving them assignments…go orchestrate this for me….nice thought. Now to trust it! Thank you for your comment.

  3. linda says:

    Thank you Jenny. I could feel the higher vibration also. Now to feel it and stay connected all the time!!! Thank you so much for listening and sharing!

  4. Flo Lane says:

    Loved it —and it answered a lot of my questions of how to contact my guides…thank you—-keep them coming!!

  5. Jenny says:

    This is exactly what I needed to hear right now. It was blessed. Great questions, great answers, great energy. I was vibrating higher while listening. Namaste!

  6. linda says:

    Thank you Pam. I thought he was a very interesting guest. Especially when he started talking about what he heard during his “near death “experience: “Who are you NOW?” WOW. No judgment about our past. All doors closed behind us. It’s NOW that is so relevant. I am so happy that you received some guidance from that interview. I did too! Thank you for sharing!

  7. linda says:

    Carol, all interviews are pre-recorded. We just put each one up for the first time at 3pm Eastern time each day. You did not miss a live call. So don’t worry about rushing to the site at that time. The interview will be available for 48 hours after it’s scheduled. Hope that helps. Thank you for your lovely comment. I’m glad that you enjoyed it.

  8. Pam Campbell says:

    WOW!!! Interview with Jamie Clark was really wonderful! I enjoyed it very much, and I received information that is extremely useful to me on my spiritual path. THANK YOU!!!

  9. Just listened to the replay with Linda Woods. I was just a little late for the real time session. Loved this hour. Thanks

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